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The George Abell Observatory

School of Physical Sciences

Lat: N 52:01:28 Long: W 00:42:23 Observatory Telephone: +44 (0)1908 659457


The Open University's George Abell Observatory houses a Meade LX200 16-inch instrument known as the Alan Cooper Telescope. The Observatory facility is part of the School of Physical Sciences and operated jointly by members of that school and members of the Open University Astronomy Club.

The Astronomy Club welcomes new members who may then participate in observing sessions at the Observatory. The Observatory is also used to train postgraduate students in observing techniques.

The equipment for the Observatory has been funded by a variety of grants from the Open University Capital Equipment Fund, the Open University General Purposes Fund, the Open University Club, the SXR208 Course Team, the Physics Innovations Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning and SEPnet outreach.

A Risk Assessment for visitors to the Observatory may be found here.

Prof. Andrew Norton
Director, George Abell Observatory
